
School Information

About Tarlac Agricultural University           The Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU), formerly the Tarlac College of Agriculture, is a public university in the province of  Tarlac ,  Philippines . It is mandated to provide professional, technical and instruction for special purposes and to promote research extension services and progressive leadership in agriculture, agricultural education, home technology and other related fields. Its main campus is located in Malacampa,  Camiling ,  Tarlac .            TCA derives its legal mandate as an autonomous state agricultural college from  Presidential Decree  (PD) 609 dated December 18, 1974 which officially terminated its merger with the Tarlac College of Technology, now  Tarlac State University  (TSU). As highlighted in PD 609, TCA is mandated to undertake instruction, research and extension including production ...

Pedagogical Contents

1.1.          Teaching methods  of the teacher that you observed          My first observation was to the teacher on January 16, 2019. I observed the teacher practicing in class 9A Science    for one hour. The teacher of practice that I observed was Jhun Jhun, he was a final year student at the college of education. I observed Jhun Jhun with ma'am Milani C. Petero as my Cooperating Teacher. When I observed Jhun Jhun, he was teaching Chemistry. Jhun Jhun starts the class by praying together and checking the cleanliness of the class, after that Jhun Jhun starts the lesson by motivating students. After that jhun jhun began to deliver material and gave practice questions to students. Finished teaching Jhun Jhun give a post test. ma'am elaine class          After completing the Jhun Jhun observation I continued observing ma'am Elaine's class in the 10A Science class...

Teaching Plan

1.1        Curriculum    Schools in the Philippines use the latest curriculum, namely K to 12. K to 12   means  education obligatory start from Kindergarten to 12 th  Grade. The Curriculum was implemented 4 years ago, after the former President Benigno Aquino mandated this so that the Philippine schools will have the same number of years with the other South East Asian Countries. With that, the University Sciense High School used the same curriculum, two years now after its opening. This is to make sure that, students get to choose the right track for their future profession. The curriculum also would like to help those students, to make them work-ready after graduating from Senior High School. 1.2     Teaching plan related to your major During teaching I only made two lesson plans, because the material I taught was in class 10 Ag-Home and 10B science. The following is the lesson plan that I ...

Teaching Practice

1.1        Procedures of teaching when teaching practice in laboratory school I got 10th grade Ag-Home and 10th grade B science. while teaching at 10 B science I taught with my colleague Aisha Azalia, he was a science education student from Padang State University. I and Aisha got a pretty busy schedule, we had to teach from Monday to Friday. the material we teach is the same, we teach evolution and biodiversity, in one day we teach twice, and on Tuesday we have direct class, starting from 1pm until 5pm. 1.2        Time management and organizing activities During teaching practice I had to be good at dividing the time to prepare the material, observing my colleague's class aisha and preparing the material together for the 10B science class. we had a little trouble on Tuesday because we had classes from 10.30 and ended at 5 pm. 1.3        Problem-solving when I    join...

Summary and Suggestion

1.1         Purposes of practicum Accordance with the objectives of the SEA Teacher Project, to provide opportunity for pre-service student teachers from universities in Southeast Asia to have teaching experiences (practicum) in schools in other countries in Southeast Asia. During this program I was able to learn many things, especially regarding the art of teaching and also I could improve my ability in speaking English. Besides that, I also had the opportunity to learn about the culture of the country that I visited. I was placed in the Philippines, while in the Philippines I learned that people in the Philippines are very friendly and respect differences. They accepted me as another sister of race, ethnicity and religion, they loved me as much as their siblings. 1.2         Procedures of practicum Practicum procedures at the Laboratory School there are 3 stages, namely observation in the classroom by observ...